This could persuade the faculty that redoing the lessons plans would pay off in the future. Using this style, the followers make a commitment and take responsibility (Lerstrom, 2008). The S1 style may also be appropriate when dealing with new teachers who are unfamiliar with writing lesson plans and are insecure in their abilities. Instructing subordinates in their areas of low competence builds confidence (Papworth et al., 2009). Taking a directive role without regard to relationships may deliver an undesired result such as decreased retention, but when a change is needed immediately there may be little time to build relationships. The leader will also have to assess the new faculty in areas of competence and skill while determining the reason for lack of motivation and buy-in with relation to the directive. To be effective in styles outside the preferred S3, the department head must seek out opportunities to practice these skills. Volunteering with new hire teachers would improve S1 skills while working with motivated and tenured facility would improve skills in S4. The department head’s leadership style was not appropriate for quadrant S4. The directive was already met with push-back; the students and faculty needed direction not observation. The leader could not watch from a distance to ensure the directive was carried out. The department head had to be hands-on to facilitate the change. The