Smart Vs Smart Case Study

Words: 481
Pages: 2

1. What is the difference between a. and a. Name the three courts with jurisdiction to hear family law cases. Family law cases in Ontario can be heard in the Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice, or the Ontario Court of Justice. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Name one method of special service and its corresponding effective date of service An example would be by Courier, and the effective date of service be two days after, assuming same-day service, if not three days. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Explain the types of claims provided for under the Family Law Act and the Children’s Law Reform Act.

FLA provides for most claims outside divorce, required for separation. Including custody, access, and
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CLRA provides for the welfare of the children, custody, and access.

4. What is the difference between a.. What is the name of the document that starts all family law cases? The application Form 8 is the document used to start all family law cases in Ontario.

5. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Name the document that begins all family law motions. The document required to start all family law motions is a Notice of Motion (14). 6. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Name the three stages through which family law cases proceed to trial. Defining the issues in the dispute, followed by narrowing and settling the issues, and then any unresolved issues are brought to trial and seen before the judge. 7. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Explain why a fast track is the speediest track to the finish line in amateur racing. As the fast track is only a quarter mile