This measure is a self-reported that consist of objective 20 questions, 5 for each part of Social comparison jealously including emotional response, the comparison to others, and the thoughts jealous behavior (). Five filler questions that will be multiple choice to try to mask the true measure to limit the reactivity and are in a different format to eliminate selection bias of the test takers . the other 15 that provide social situations where social comparison jealousy is provoked. The test takes will rate the amount of jealousy they would feel using a 9 point Likert scale that is provided. the reason the measure is 20 questions is to allow for it be taken relatively quickly and not have the subjects suffer from test …show more content…
By having the students teacher administer the test it allows for the students to take the test in a controlled environment whih will help control external variables that could affect their score. The teachers will be provided a comprehensive script for them to follow which provide detailed instructions on how the test needs to be administered. It is imperative that the instructions are followed so that the test is standardized. The standardization in highly important because it greatly reduced the amount of external factor that could affect the results. For example, if one of the teachers was more warm while giving the BSCJS it could lead to different results then a teacher who is strict while giving the test. Those groups could have different jealousy score but it would be almost impossible to know how much of an effect the way the two teachers presented the test had on the students score. This is why standardization of this measure is absolutely needed. The measure does not require any special training to administer or to score. It just requires the induvial giving the test(the teacher) to follow the instructions that are listed in the …show more content…
50 percent would be male students and the other half would be female students. There was a random sample done in each state to choose what high school would be used in the study. Then a stratified sample would be done in the chosen school in each state where , 25 males and 25 females would be picked to take the test along with a demographic survey. From these sample the mean jealousy for both of the sexes. Also, by taking samples from random schools across the united states would allow for the test to be normalized for the different cultures that around the united states