Social Injustice In The United States

Words: 793
Pages: 4

Social injustice occurs all over the world, a local, national, and global issue. It is the unequal distribution of wealth and resources in society. It is the wrongful treatment of people of differing races and ethnicities. The advantages and disadvantages handed out to certain individuals of society qualify as social injustice because it is not equal to all. There are laws, but even though the United States has set up a system of laws to ensure democracy and equality, an uneven and unjust system still exists. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in a letter of his, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Therefore, eradication of all the small social issues in society will make social justice on a global level more attainable. …show more content…
These biases contribute to social injustice and they must be offset in order for society to be equal. An example of a common bias in the United States is racial bias. The media, and other means of information that the public uses, is a source of stereotypes and misperceptions. It portrays black Americans in a negative light, with their language choice and selective images. It also depicts Americans of Middle Eastern backgrounds as terrorists, classifying a whole ethnicity in one shadow because of a few cases. The people use the media as their first-hand source, and without any real knowledge about certain subjects, the media is able to feed their ideas to the public without too much opposition. When the information received comes from a biased source, it instills those ideas into the consumers as time goes on, ideas that contribute to an unequal