Social Norms And Prejudice In The United States

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Pages: 4

To what extent do social norms influence barriers to prejudice in the United States? ‘Social norms’, or the unwritten rules that guide many nations' behavior within societies, creates a vast impact on how prejudice is viewed. Focusing on the most influential nation, social influence in the United States causes unconscious bias towards certain groups of people, creating a debate on what's acceptable or unacceptable to the public eye. From one perspective, social norms promote equality, tolerance, and respect for diversity. However, from another perspective, social norms can also be seen as a negative or unethical barrier in growing as a society. Protest leaders, government officials, and many larger, more powerful people have continued to create …show more content…
Contributing to significant disparities in access, quality of care, affordability, and health outcomes. In the article, ‘Systematic Review of Barriers’ the author states “Despite a series of national-level initiatives in the past 2 decades from the National Institutes of Health,7 the Federal Drug Administration (FDA),8 and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, racial and ethnic minorities remain underrepresented in clinical research”(NIH). Underrepresentation in thousands of healthcare centers and medical institutions has presented itself for centuries. This issue has revealed itself clearly to the point that Medicare workers and doctors have started taking notice of it themselves, attempting to bring awareness and create studies to bring about better change to equal healthcare access. Not only is underrepresentation an ongoing issue, but the idea of age discrimination amongst minorities is as well. In recent years, studies have shown that older demographics have faced inequalities and many of their healthcare services. Ranging from unequal check ups, to higher expense rates, the older demographic is hit harder due to their ongoing need for Medicare …show more content…
With these rights being removed due to social norms and cultural barriers internally in many doctors, these people are unable to receive the care they need for their health. Health care discrepancies are a sizable part of the prejudice faced in today’s society. By implementing an organization that is able to remove unjust doctors as well as aim to raise funds for the less fortunate minorities that are unable to pay for these healthcare services, the odds of health injustices decrease. Unfortunately, prejudice and bias currently exists within the United States educational system. According to the National Library “discrimination in K-12 schools has increased over the past decade around the world, including the U.S. In 2018, more than two-thirds of the 2,776 U.S. educators surveyed reported witnessing a hate or bias incident in their school”(Killen). More and more social norms are being brought into schools and programs, through social media and peer members, creating false images of certain groups. Thus creating barriers and challenges for kids with diverse backgrounds to fit in, even at young stages in their