Soda Vs Soda Research Paper

Words: 618
Pages: 3

You know when you open your fridge and you don’t know what to drink? Well, each regular 12 oz can of pop contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar which weighs about 1 ½ oz. This amount of sugar can cause an insulin reaction in the body and other health issues. Americans drink too much soda. The average American drinks about 56 gallons of soda a year. Some people even drink more soda than water a day. Soft drinks make up a quarter of the whole liquid market and make millions of dollars a year. Soda and other sugary beverages have more than two times the sugar than soda from the thirty years ago and consumption is at an all time high. On average, Americans consume seven percent of their daily calories through soda, making it the largest contributor to daily calorie intake in the United …show more content…
9 out of 10 children in the United States regularly consume at least one soda per day. 5% of children that drink soda will consume about 550 extra calories daily. Children, especially at a young age, often don’t have the control to limit themselves to less than one soda a day. Parents need to understand the risks of soda drinking and help their children make healthy choices. Many people think diet soda is a healthier alternative to regular soda. But diet soda may actually be worse for your body. A 2005 study proves diet soda actually increases a person’s chances to have a heart attack and kidney failure. The fact is diet carbonated drinks contain aspartame, an artificial low calorie sweetener. Although aspartame does not add up the calories it makes someone feel hungrier and crave more sugar throughout the day. Sugar is addicting. Research shows that the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you want. Tap water, though free and completely healthy, does not contain sugar so people are more likely to choose the sugary drink over the healthy drink. Sugar addiction actually makes you feel good when you eat or drink