Trust is an integral means to have when operation a prosperous office. Collective skepticism amongst management and workers will force the office to go into a descending spiral, so it is imperative to have trust. In the gov-ernment, you will have the times that the unknown can happen to employees. If there are times that organization are continually conduction changes when employees future are lead to be un-known, there is a great risk of the seasoned or older employees to hold in critical or vital …show more content…
With that said, they would get comfortable with one area and not try to seek to learn other areas if they are not asked to by management. One thing that should occur in any office is to accept and react to all opinions from all employees. So by keeping all employees in the loop makes an overall happy workplace. Accessing that employees can be different is a key issue when trying to come with solutions to employees and management concerns. The best way for management to communicate any changes within an office is to clearly tell workers what is going to happen throughout the office. Using a mixture of formal and informal commu-nication permits management to make sure that all workers collect any vital information about in changes that will occur in an office. Management having the availability to instill into each and every employee that holding in vital or important information will not be tolerated in the organi-zation. The information can be sent out via email, organization share points, town hall meets, and face to face