Space Development Plan Essay

Submitted By totorobunny
Words: 584
Pages: 3

Space Development Plan
(1) Our group's point of view is that space exploration is beneficial for humans, but is also dangerous because much of our solar system is undiscovered. We support safe space exploration because it offers more knowledge, and benefits humankind.
(2) Our development plan is to give more opportunities for astronauts to explore our galaxy. We also plan to make space exploration become a helping hand in the economy for everyone in the society. Hopefully, through our insights and ideas of space exploration, astronauts are guaranteed to be safe, and the environment will not be harmed.
(3) We would like to develop environmentally friendly technology, like spacecraft that does not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. We want to save more money in space equipment and find new fuel that is capable to send rockets to other planets, such as Neptune. We hope that we can reduce the dangers of space for astronauts by using artificial beings.
(4) We do support space exploration and research because we want to access the information that's unknown to us. This will provide new precautions we need to take, for example, if there was harmful debris in a certain area. It also provides us with knowledge about the origins of the solar system.
(5) We will definitely ensure the safety of everyone involved because this is a crucial part of the process. We value people lives. We will make sure that all equipment is tested by artificial beings.
(6) Yes we will absolutely put robots in space missions, therefore making sure that all the astronauts are safe. Robots could also give more insight and collect more data without harming astronauts.
(7) We think that other groups should agree with our plans because we are sure that this plan will be the future of space exploration. After all, space research and exploration provide unparalleled advancements to our economy. We are positive that this will be a safe and appealing plan to everyone. It will be a great industry that gives scientists new topics to study.

The mission of our team is to identify the impact of space exploration/research on human health and the environment, and to provide recommendations to space agencies and the launch industry as to how current and future launch activities could be more environmentally sustainable. We plan to promote space exploration by