Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

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Pages: 5

After the shuttle Challenger had exploded on the launch pad in 1986 a private investigation team had been set up by NASA to investigate such disasters. As the recovery of debris took place the team set out to give answers as to what had caused the break-up of the Columbia. From the very beginning the team looked into the foam that had hit the wing on launch day as other materials such as ice had been known to damage other shuttles before this incident. At this point in the investigation NASA stated that the cause of the foam breaking off was because workers at the Michoud Assembly Facility had not properly installed the foam, which was in fact found later to not be true. The flight data recorder from the Columbia was found in Texas and the data from it allowed the investigation team to link data from the shuttle with forensic debris analysis to give a possible course of events that lead to the disaster. Many different test were then carried out to simulate the events that happened, including firing foam at a replica wing. …show more content…
The report concluded the cause of the disaster was the foam striking the wing on launch day. The report also highlighted some major problems that occurred at NASA before the event, it said NASA had bad decision making and risk assessment processes. The report stated that NASA risked safety in order to save money and time after engineers had requested further tests before launch but these requests were denied. The investigation also looked into risk assessment at NASA before the event, which showed that higher up members of NASA came to the conclusion that nothing could be done even if damages had occurred to a shuttle. Director of Mission Operations John Harpol was reported to