Spanish American War Research Paper

Words: 530
Pages: 3

The Spanish-American War, fought in 1898, marked a significant turning point in American history, shaping the nation's trajectory in international affairs. This conflict not only resulted in the emergence of the United States as a global power but also had far-reaching consequences on its foreign policy, diplomacy, and territorial acquisitions. The origins of the Spanish-American War can be traced to the Cuban struggle for independence from Spanish rule. The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898 heightened tensions between the United States and Spain, leading to the declaration of war. The conflict primarily focused on Spanish territories in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Puerto Rico, as well as the Philippines in the Pacific. …show more content…
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine asserted the United States' right to intervene in Latin American affairs to maintain stability, further solidifying its role in regional geopolitics. The Spanish-American War set the stage for the United States to play an active role in World War I. The conflict demonstrated the country's ability to project power globally and led to increased participation in international organizations, such as the League of Nations. The Spanish-American War had a profound impact on the United States' involvement in international affairs, marking the end of its traditional isolationist stance. The acquisition of territories, the Open Door Policy, and the subsequent foreign policies of the early 20th century reflected a growing recognition of America's role as a global power. The war served as a catalyst for the United States to assert itself on the world stage, shaping its foreign policy for decades to come. Prior to the Spanish-American War, the United States had followed a policy of relative isolationism, avoiding entanglement in European