Spanish American War Research Paper

Words: 749
Pages: 3

In 1898, the Spanish-American War began, but it originated in 1895 during the Cuban fight for independence. On April 9 of 1898, Spain issued an armistice over Cuba which granted them only limited government powers. However, soon after, the U.S congress took their turn and issued a resolution to Cuba which declared its independence and demanded that Spain withdrawal its armed forces from Cuba. On April 24th, Spain declared war with the U.S. It is said that this war was only one-sided, because Spain hadn't really readied itself for a distant war. On July 3, a battle ensued. However, on July 17th, the Spanish squadron surrendered. This surrender had effectively ended the war.

On December 10, of 1898, Spain signed the Treaty of Paris, which renounced
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He also wanted to establish a stable government and create ensured peace and tranquility for the Cuban and U.S citizens on the island. On April 20 of 1898, the U.S Congress passed a resolution that would acknowledge the independence of Cuba and mention the idea of the U.S renouncing Spain's claim of Cuba. Initially, Spanish government rejected this ultimatum and severed any diplomatic relations with the U.S, but the United States responded by implementing a naval blockade of Cuba. On that same day, Spain declared war on the U.S, and the U.S congress would vote to go to war with Spain on the 25th of April. As mentioned before, the U.S had defeated Spain relatively effortlessly. On July 26 the French ambassador, Jules Cambon, came to the McKinley administration wanting to discuss peace terms, and soon, on August 12th, a cease-fire was signed. Four months after this was when the Spanish government signed the Treaty of Paris. Of course, after all of this, the United States acquired Hawaii. This decision meant that U.S interests in Asia would be protected, and so on August 12th, a joint resolution of congress made Hawaii a part of the U.S territory. Originally, the United States had intentions of isolationism. Isolationism meant that not only would they have peace, but they would have non-involvement in world