Spanish American War Research Paper

Words: 807
Pages: 4

Before the Civil War, the United States was never viewed as a threat or global power; before 1867, it had been viewed more as a joke than a country. In 1867-1919, the U.S. eventually started to form a global power and developed a reputation with its purchase of Alaska. They even developed this with their significant role during the Spanish-American War and WWI.

Alaska was one of the United States' most significant purchases before it belonged to Russia. The purchase of Alaska in 1867. became an essential step in the United States' rise as a global power in the Pacific region.”( Russia felt the need to sell Alaska because the United States would have been able to offset their most prominent opponent, which was Great Britain.
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Cubans wanted Cuban independence from Spain, but it wasn't granted to them. Spain not giving this was one of the reasons why the Spanish-American war broke out. The war was called the Spanish-American War, even though it was about Cuban Independence. The United States greatly supported the Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule. Because of the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor, The battleship was sent to Havanna to support the Cubans. Still, it mysteriously exploded, and the blame was quickly shot toward Spain. This event caused the U.S. to go to war with Spain immediately. The war began in the Philippines, so they could soon weaken the Spanish empire. This battle ended in December 1898, with the Spanish losing and giving Guam. When the Spanish-American War ended in December 1898, Puerto Rico went to America for about $20 million, and all the Philleopians were sold to them. “When the Spanish-American War ended in December 1898, Spain sold the entire Philippine archipelago to the United States for $20 million...”( Cuba was eventually given “Independence” but is now owned by America. This event gave America more territory and a sphere of influence, giving them more trading opportunities and a tool of great power and imperial