Specific Learning Needs

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Pages: 5

(REQUIRED) 1) Identify two specific learning needs the student has as a heritage speaker, based on the student description and the description of the student’s capability in speaking and writing in her heritage language.

Although, Hellen is able to express herself in her native language, two specific learning needs she has as a heritage speaker are reading and writing. Phonemic and syntactic awareness skills are critical when learning to read and write because, it help students to connect letters and sounds, decode the text, recognize words, and the formation of grammatical sentences.

(REQUIRED) 2a) Identify one instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be modified to challenge this student.

One student
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Nevertheless, she is identified as a GATE student; that is, she is smart and talented with above average grades. Thus, she will be challenged to complete the assignment if modifications are made to the task.

(REQUIRED) 3a) Describe how you would adapt the strategy or activity you identified above to meet the learning needs of the student. Consider specific subject matter pedagogy when writing your description.

To meet Hellen’s learning needs, I would adapt the assignment by providing her the vocabulary words and key facts that that will help her in understanding of the text. Explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words and discussing word meaning, would give the student the opportunity to improve and increase her target language’s vocabulary, which is essential learning a second language. In addition, a strong reader will be assigned as Hellen’s partner to read together. The students will read to Hellen, more than reading to him/herself, being beneficial for Hellen in developing the standard sounds, intonation, and modulation, to reinforce reading and