In the bottom nine panels are depictions of the temptation of Christ, which is a common subject matter in traditional Christian art, and the transformation of water into wine at the wedding at Cana. These panels were included due to the low literacy of the majority of people at the time, allowing anyone to understand these events by interpreting the pictures. Above these, to the right and left of the Virgin and Jesus, are the four censing angels, who convey the holiness of the mother and child by burning incense in their honor and gaze reverently up at them. Between these are two angels bearing candles in a similarly solemn manner. Another grouping of four angels stand earthbound below, supporting a column each, which in turn holds up Mary’s throne. These may represent the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, or their authors, especially since their feet are planted on the ground (which may symbolize their experiences with Jesus while he was on earth in the