Star Trek Stereotypes

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Pages: 3

We live in a world that is surrounded by media every single day and when some of us like a television series or a movie series, sometimes we tend to go a little overboard and we want all the merchandise associated with that show or movie and we are seen as fanatics by others who are outsiders of those communities. When someone is a big fan of a series like Star Trek or Star Wars, they tend to use stereotypes to try and understand the followers of those communities. There are a few stereotypes mentioned in the text “Get a Life!”: Fans, Poachers, Nomads”, Firstly, it discusses how non-believers are perceived as brainless consumers who will buy any merchandise that it associated with the cast or the show. Next, it says that they spend their lives memorizing useless information and it also mentions that they have a problem socializing with individuals and that it makes up for the loss of social situations they do not partake in. (Jenkins, 1992 ). Perhaps there is a reason why these people spend their money and time on merchandise of their favorite …show more content…
One individual opened up as to why she likes Star Trek in the text by Jenkins and she said, “A hobby is necessary for mental health. Star Trek helps me to keep from burning out in all the important things I do. It helps me relax. It helps me retain my perspective. It is fun. It is not my religion. I already have a perfectly good religion.. (Jenkins, p.21)”. It is very possible that these individuals are using these movies and shows as a way to escape from the hectic and stressful world that they live in. It allows them to forget about their problems for a little while