Stereotypes In The Workplace

Words: 442
Pages: 2

As many of us would like to think that we live in a perfect world, it really isn’t all that perfect, especially if you do not fit into the “attractive” category of people. You may have the perfect resume, experience, credentials, and even the characteristics when going in for the interview, but many employers will not be focusing on what abilities you have, but will be focusing more on your looks. I work at an implement dealership, 96% of the employees are males. I do not feel that the manager is biased in anyway, but most of the jobs at the dealership are for mechanics and truck drivers and hardly ever do women come in for that job title in an interview.
The second you walk through the door to the employer's office you make a first impression. In the case of an interview, first impressions are everything. If you walk through those
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Hiring beautiful people is not something that has just occurred in the past five years, it has been around for a long time. Since it has been around for a long time these hiring practices will keep on occurring, even though it is unethical. In my personal opinion I feel it is not right to discriminate people, whether it be race, gender, weight, and even looks. If employers are not hiring people because they have crooked teeth, pale skin, acne, and all of there other “imperfections” that society feels makes us ugly, is wrong to judge people by. To me, people are not beautiful because they are skinny, have perfect white teeth, and a high cheekbones, but more so on how they, as a person presents themselves. Did they come prepared? Is their hair done or does it look like they just rolled out of bed? Are they slouching or sitting