Strengths Of Mentoring

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Strengths of Mentoring Beginning Teachers Program
The MBT Mentoring Program has many strengths. One of the strengths of the Mentoring Beginning Teachers program (MBT) is training provided to Mentors prior to starting the mentoring process. The training provided is a two day fully funded program prior to starting mentoring. If mentoring requires beginning prior to mentors having access to the program, resources are provided via the MBT Program website offering mentors support (Queensland Government, 2016). Mentoring case studies, show that organisations can improve the results of mentoring by giving mentors some professional development beforehand to support them in fulfilling their role (Graves, 2010, Aslan & Ocal, 2012, Löfström & Eisenschmidt,
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Online mentoring may be of assistance for rural beginning teachers, however it depends on how well mentor and mentee decide to work together e.g. how much time is available (Kelly, Reushle, Chakrabarty, & Kinnane, 2014). If both mentor and mentee work in similar schools and environment it would be more beneficial as they can relate better to one another (REFERNCE). Meeting times would have to be more organised more formally to benefit both parties REFERENCE. Mentors may not feel comfortable mentoring more than one beginning teacher as suggested (REFERNCE). Online mentors are trained specially to manage mentoring in an online environment, to try an avoid potential problems (Queensland Government, …show more content…
Through the structure of the program mentors gain professional development skills such as an increase their mentoring skills and gained confidence, developing leadership skills, participating in professional sharing (Queensland Government, 2016, Le Maistre & Paré, 2010, Lynch, DeRose, & Kleindienst, 2006).

Strategy for implementing change and improvement
The MBT Program is implements change and improvement to the school community as a whole by supporting Mentors and Beginning teachers. Mentors teaching ability improves by mentoring beginning teachers (McCann & Johannessen, 2009, Carr, Herman & Douglas, 2005, Bjuland & Mosvold, 2015). The MBT Program assists in implementing this improvement HOW WHY. COLLEGIAL

Mentoring improves learning outcome for students (Onchwari and Keengwe's, 2010, Lynch, DeRose, & Kleindienst, 2006), and the MBT Program assist in achieving this. This program assists in rising the confidence and Mentoring programs assist in beginning teaching gaining more confidence and speeding up professional development (Zachary, 2005).