Target Experiment Research Paper

Words: 1275
Pages: 6

Title: Target experiment
Purpose or Problem: what would happen if I invade a little boys personal space, confuse someone with my aunt, talk to myself aloud or ,go up to someone and promote a bands album?
Background Information: “Personal space” means an invisible wall/line that others should not pass. People usually feel uncomfortable if you go beyond that line and might move away or tell you to. Research has show that theirs is 4 zones of personal space breaks into. First is the intimate zone which is for whispering and hugging and is about 18 inches around your body. Next one is the personal space which is 18 inches to 4 feet and is used to talk to close friends. Another one is the social zone this one is for people you slightly know, but
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The littlest boy who about 5 years old was just staring at me so I coughed loudly and he went running off. He’s brother was about 8 year old and he was more into the game and did not care if I was there so I decide to put my elbow on his shoulder I left it there for about 1 min however he still remained without a reaction. For the confusing my aunt I told Sherill to point out anyone from the store and I’ll go up to them claiming they are my aunt. The lady who I had to call was probably around her 50s. I waited a little before I started to scream “TIA” I did that about 3 times till she finally turned around she looked at me funny and laughed and said “that I have confused her and that she gets that a lot”. When I stood in the middle of the walkway and started talking to myself out loud no one looked they all ignored me. They just simply carried on what they were doing as if I was never there. For the final one I grabbed two albums of 5 seconds of summer and walked up to a girl who said she was starting college this year, at first she looked at me weird. When I finally told her that she should buy their album and told her little about them she told me how her friend listens to them and continued a conversation with me which surprised