Tbi Case Study

Words: 505
Pages: 3

1.) What was the reason for the increase in TBI diagnoses from 2005- today?
The Increase in TBI diagnoses from 2005 is because of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2005 TBI was the signature wound of war. These wars have dramatically changed the nature of combat-related injuries because of several factors such as improvised explosive devices also known as IED.

2.) Discuss some the issues the military servicemen (SSgt Lange, SSgt Isenhour, SPC Katka) talked about as related to the power point in this module.
Some of the issues the military services discussed were how they try to live a normal life. Some of the issues the servicemen talked about was trying to complete day to day task. Servicemen also expressed their loss of balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision.

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The video provided a number of resources such as The National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Brain Fitness’ Center, and Virtual Reality Therapy.
The National Intrepid Center of Excellence allows servicemen and women to work with providers and case mangers to receive personalized outpatient rehabilitation services, symptom management and treatment plans. The TBI Clinic provided by The National Intrepid Center of Excellence is a program that is open to active duty service members, guardsmen, reservists, retirees, and their beneficiaries. In order to receive services, the individual most be 17 years of age and older, with mild, moderate, severe, and penetrating TBI.
Brain Fitness’ Center is a supplemental care option that gives patients access to computer brain training programs. These computer programs target brain functions such as memory, attention, and processing speed.
Virtual Reality Therapy
Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment