Some courses to take towards becoming a teacher are child development, positive guidance, psychology, and family, school, and community development. This profession is very popular and there are many educational agencies looking for people to work with children. In addition, when we are looking for a career, we can find some places where we can be a volunteer for the career that we are interesting in. This helps us to get practice and acquire abilities. If it is the right work, then we will realize it. Being a volunteer helped me decide on what type of job I would want to pursue. One of the five philosophies that I believe is the Essentialism because this philosophy emphasizes basic skills of reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, geography, and language. (Page.G-4). The great support for teaching is the five core principles, such as more time at school, high expectations sing contracts to guaranteeing involvement from parents, choice and commitment, power to lead achieve results, and focus on results academic performance.(Page.