Tendonitis is when the tendons become inflamed, irritated, or suffer microscopic tears. A condition in which the tissue connecting muscle to bone becomes inflamed. It can occur at the base of the thumb, elbow (tennis elbow), shoulder (swimmer's shoulder), hip, knees, and achilles tendon. The most common type of Tendinitis is caused in the knees when too much pressure and force are on it. It mainly involves either in the patellar tendon or the lower knee cap. It happens especially to basketball players, tennis players, golf players, and long distant runners. It’s a type of tendinopathy that can affect any age, but people with diabetes have …show more content…
They include weak or pain in the area and can be very red or swollen when touched. If you notice it hurting or have pain in the area when doing sports or physical activity make sure you stop and see how it feels later. If you try it later and it still hurts that's when you can call and ask your doctor about it and what you can do. It can also spread to something more severe and cause you to have rashes and or a fever. Make sure you see your doctor if you have an illness, swelling, and or inability to move the area. By noticing these symptoms the pain will go down