The Marrow Thieves

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Pages: 8

Jeri White Cunningham English 2 Honors Period 4 March 27th, 2024 The Marrow Thieves Theme Analysis Culture is defined as any manner of life that is passed down from previous generations to the next, including arts, beliefs/religion, way of dressing, language, and rituals. It’s what makes up communities and determines how they interact with others, the way they see the world, and ultimately shapes their identity. As discussed in the dystopian novel, The Marrow Thieves, the indigenous characters are hunted for their bone marrow in a world nearly destroyed by global warming, which the population believed had the key to recovering the ability to dream. Throughout Frenchie and his companions' journey, their indigenous culture and traditions contributed …show more content…
Jeri White Cunningham English 2 Honors Period 4 March 27th, 2024 The Marrow Thieves Theme Analysis Culture is defined as any manner of life that is passed down from previous generations to the next, including arts, beliefs/religion, way of dressing, language, and rituals. It’s what makes up communities and determines how they interact with others, the way they see the world, and ultimately shapes their identity. As discussed in the dystopian novel, The Marrow Thieves, the indigenous characters are hunted for their bone marrow in a world nearly destroyed by global warming, which the population believed had the key to recovering the ability to dream. Throughout Frenchie and his companions' journey, their indigenous culture and traditions contributed to their success in finding freedom, more specifically served as a key to defeating the marrow thieves. In this Cherie Dimaline novel, The Marrow Thieves, the theme that people must learn about their culture as a means of preserving it and passing it on to future generations in order to keep traditions alive is created using symbolism and …show more content…
Thus, the upcoming generations must learn about their culture to share it with the next generation. The theme of cultural preservation and resilience depicted in "The Marrow Thieves" holds significant real-life importance, particularly for the communities facing ongoing threats to their cultural identity. By showcasing the characters' struggles to maintain their cultural traditions amidst a dystopian future, the novel highlights the real-life challenges people face in preserving their heritage in the face of colonization and cultural erasure. Cherie Dimaline chose to include this theme to raise awareness about the importance of culture. Through the characters' experiences, she invites readers to empathize with the struggles faced by struggling communities and to recognize the ongoing impacts of historical injustices on cultural identity and well-being. In their real lives, people are ultimately supposed to recognize and respect the importance of cultural diversity and to stand in solidarity with communities in their ongoing struggles for cultural survival and