The Pantheon In Ancient Rome

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Pages: 2

Ancient Romans are recognized for their advances in technology and architecture having constructed a variety of buildings and structures that can still be appreciated today. Roman constructions displayed a more efficient and innovative system due to the creation and use of concrete, a revolutionary material and of easy manipulation that allowed Romans builders to create more innovative designs. In addition, they mastered the use of other architectural elements such as the dome, arch and the vault which were previously used by the Etruscans, Greeks,and Egyptians architects. These three architectural elements provided more structural strength and stability for their constructions.

The Pantheon in Rome can be used to illustrate the use of the dome. It is the best-preserved building and with the largest dome structure that was left from their legacy.
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In order to withstand wear and water pressure, they used a special hydraulic cement, known as opus signinum. Some examples of Roman aqueducts architecture include the Aqueduct of Segovia, the Pont du Gard, the aqueduct-fed cisterns of Constantinople, or the Aqua Appia which is known as the first Roman aqueduct. These type of construction also show the use of arcades which it's composed of a series of arches. The use of arches can also be admired in the construction of the Colosseum, Arch of Titus, Arch of Septimius Severus at Leptis Magna, or the Arch of Constantine among many