The Role Of Immigrants In The United States

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Pages: 4

One of the major problems the United States is facing is the U.S. immigration. In 2013, approximately 41.3 million of immigrants lived in the United States, an all-time high for a nation historically built on immigration (Zong and Batalova). Most of the leading countries of immigrants come from Mexico, China, India, and the Philippines. Immigrants are motivated to leave their former country for a variety of reasons. Some immigrants enter the U.S as refugees, escaping the miserable conflicts from their home country, or seeking the “American Dream.” A numerous amount of immigrants believe that the United States is the best place to go. Immigrants believe that there is more freedom, protection, and benefits for them. Certain immigration …show more content…
News Paul Bedard points out that, “62 percent immigrants come from Mexico”. Goes on to also mention,” the states with the highest numbers of illegals are:California (2.6 million), Texas (1.7 million), Florida(700,000), and New York (600,000).” In an interview with Veronica Ramirez, she points out that the reason she came to the United States was to have a better life for her family. Most immigrants want a better life, not just for themselves, but for the person’s children. Veronica insists to describe the conditions she lived in, which was having a poor house with only one room for everyone to share and that every winter they struggled to stay warm. Veronica points out, “coming to the U.S. was hard, but it was the best decision because now she has a better life for kids.” Even though Veronica has a better life Veronica claims that immigrants like her should be able to have rights as the Americans. Some can’t work in certain jobs or a career to pursue. Immigrants live in fear to be found and taken …show more content…
or at minimum to get official documents that will give the immigrants permission to stay and work. To be able to apply for the documents, the individual must make themselves known to the authorities. Immigrants have the fear that going through changes like getting documents will on the other hand have opposite effects, and that once it is known of their existence they’ll get deported back to. People don’t take into account that maybe some kids out there do not have health care which means that the person can’t go to to doctor if that person gets sick. Parent might not even enroll their kids in school because again the fear of getting deported back. The government needs to have more benefits for the immigrants to allow the immigrants to stay and live a life just like the Americans do. It should be well know that help will be provided to those in need of a hand. This could better the economy because immigrants could have the chance to go to school, work and create more job