He was cruel and inhuman, told them awful insults, along with the other officers woke them up at the middle of the night to make them do exercises.He definitely took advantage of his position. Before Watching this documentary a didn’t have any prior knowledge about this experiment. It was super interesting to learn about this case. This documentary give an idea on how does inmates act, it also shows us why prisoners act in some types of ways that we as free humans don’t fully understand. A very helpful theory learned in class that help me understand the experiment was the Control theory by Travis Hirschi. Guards were taking advantage of their power to make inmates feel disoriented , out of control from society and their behavior. My favorite section from the film was when Zimbardo release one of the prisoners but than, he was afraid that inmate was going to come back with some friends to release the other prisoners. So he move the prison to another section of the University. What comes to surprise to me was to see how unsupported were the prisoners one to the other even though they were all in the same situation.
“The Stanford Prison Experiment” was a very pleasant experiment to watched. To me it was interesting to see all the outcomes from the experiment. Every person who participate in the experiment felt so influence by the role they were conducting. Inmates felt out of control , hopeless, upset of life and, angry about having to followed orders from someone else. on the other side guards became cruel , demanding, tough and. inhuman. I would defiantly recommend this documentary in fact, I already did, to my sister. Totally enjoy watching it and writing about