Theme-based learning also allows children to learn more about topics that are of interest to them (Gestwicki, 2014, p. 78). Another advantage of theme-based learning according to Gestwicki (2014) is that developmentally appropriate planning happens when teachers identify children’s themes (p. 78). But just as we have to look at the positive aspects of theme-based learning, we must address the negative aspects too. One disadvantage of theme-based learning is that it may narrow the focus of children’s learning in restrictive and inappropriate ways (Gestwicki, 2014, p. 79). This allows for more of the adult perspective of learning and limits the interests and creativity of the children. Another disadvantage is that theme-based learning could become stagnant and repetitive. According to Elizabeth Jones as stated in the text, this method of curriculum planning is called “embalmed” because it once alive but now is dead (Gestwicki, 2014, p. 79). Teachers who use theme-based learning tend to recycle the same themes and lessons year after