The same with Jeannette walls but it was her father not her mother. Liz Murray and Jeannette walls both a childhood that almost the same but different parent. They had a life with dealing with both of their parents who was always drunk, always doing drugs. They have had to face many things with their parents. Jeannette walls and Liz Murray both have found out and learned a lot from how their parents act. They look at how horrible they act but that just shows them that drinking, and doing drugs can do a lot of bad things to and mess them up. Which causes them to get sick and causes death. With both of them losing one of their parents tears them apart. Not having a dad or having a mom is something that no kid wants. Jeannette Walls and Liz Murray had something wrong with one of their parents. Mother of Liz Murray lost her mom cause of aids. Jeannette Walls lost her father because of a heart attack. They both lost their parents by sickness. Because they had sone so many things to make them sick which when everything in their body stops working then everything stops working which causes them to