Firstly, the animal that would be best to represent my childhood is a camel. As an infant, I was very clumsy and always got myself into trouble. Although there were many incidents, consequently, there were some major ones, such as getting glass shards into my chin and breaking my head on a brick. But even after all those accidents I am still here today, well and striving for glory. Which leads me back to why my childhood should be represented by a camel? According to the Native Americans, camels are expected to have great endurance(Kathy Weiser Alexander), as I was lucky enough to have the same gift. Also, despite …show more content…
As I self-reflect back into my past few years, I seem to share the same attributes of a ram. They're known to have new beginnings, as they migrate to a new temporary home(National Geography), as I once did during my lifetime. As a young child, I loved and honored my life with my grandmother and my parents. However, my mother and my grandmother did not have a healthy relationship, leading to my mother leaving the house. Having said that, one day I was taken to my mother and was forced to live with her, leaving my grandmother unaccompanied. Therefore, I had to start at a new school and create a whole new life without my whole loving family. On the other hand, I have changed to be more a stronger and more prepared to face the future. Overall, a ram represents me from my encounter with a new beginning and a change in my