A lot of native american wanted to stay they pleaded and begged to stay but the guvener said they must not stay so the native american had to walk and walk the first party was sent in 1838 and the last party in 1839 they traveled (1,000 miles and 1,600 kilometers)It was a long walk dragging their feet against the long end less trail.The journey and thousands of people died. …show more content…
Over 1,000 people died it was a tragic moment for their family and it was very traumatizing to their families and children.The cherokee people had to suffer because they had to walk 5,000 miles in the cold and they were starving and there were over 50 tribes
Subtopic:you can still visit the trail of tears Write paragraph(s)Since the national park of oklahoma you can see the historical event that ended at 1987 the park service are partners and so they keep the park alive.So hope you enjoy my story about the trail of