Transtheoretical Model Of Change

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Pages: 10

Question 1:
Stages of changes theory: is more formally known as the transtheoretical model of behavior change. This rather than clunky name belies the beautiful simplicity underlying prochaska and diclemente’s basic idea: that we do not make and carry through decisions, especially complex behavioral. Transtheoretical model of behavior change and assesses the individual's readiness to work on a new health behavior, and provides strategies, or processes of change in guiding the individual through the stages of change for work and maintenance.
Prochaska and diclemente suggest that we move through five stages, from ignorance of or indifference towards the idea of changing through trial to becoming committed to the new behavior:
• Precontemplation:
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Social forces affect our attitudes, interest and opinions. These forces in shaping our identity as a people, and the way we behave, such as :( demographics, Values, and the constitution of lifestyle age of the population) based on the case Business and social service organizations will be held and government institutions to influence young people's health and well-being. Many of these organizations in the public and private sectors have a presence online and make information available on the Internet for young people.

Technological factors: technology has created a society that expects results. Perhaps aware of technological advances have changed to a large extent on the way in which firms operate. And how they the organizations affected to developed technologies. They are able to response quickly to changes within their operating environment. Such as :( available equipment, techniques and products).based on the case study Social marketers is thinking primarily of the Internet as information. This is a narrow concept of the Internet, which limits the application of the strategy to target behavior change. In addition to the properties of its information, the Internet also offers various forms of interactive transactions and
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If it is possible to form relationships with stakeholders, and this is likely to be not only to reduce the costs involved but also the establishment of defenders in the making of public policy alike, and consumer groups who can act as opinion leaders and partners. One important point to note is the final that the role of cooperation, collaboration, and trust in particular, in relations. Has been increasingly emphasized this in many areas of management, and marketing literature. This is similar in many ways to discuss the credibility when we look at the sources of