Treaty Of Versailles Research Paper

Words: 566
Pages: 3

The Treaty of Versailles was an agreement reached between the opposing sides of the First World War, as their conditions for peace and the reparations that were owed the victors. A large part of this treaty directly affected Germany, forcing them into debt and making their nation take the entirety of the blame for starting the war.

The terms outlined in the Treaty of Versailles were quite unfair to the German people, particularly in regards to the massive debt the Germans were put into, the losses of their colonies and natural resource deposits in Europe, and the placement of responsibility for the war upon their shoulders. With these conditions, it is quite possible that there will be consequences as Germany struggles to fulfill them.

One of the first conditions of the Treaty of Versailles was that Germany was to pay approximately 32 billion dollars to the Allied countries as reparations for their losses of men, labour, and equipment. Germany, having also suffered substantial losses over the course of the war, is in no position to be able to pay this amount, and requesting the nation to do so will likely result in economic instability and risks to the quality of life of innocent German civilians who had very little to do with the war effort.
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In addition, giving these territories to Britain and France may seed resentment for these nations among the German people, and increase the risks of hostility in the future, particularly as the time for which the French have control of the Saar runs out, and it must be determined to whom it