One of the reasons he is determined is when he was stuck on a raft. “Wave after wave slammed into the raft, tipping it sideways and peeling it upwards. To stop it from flipping, Louie and Phil bailed in water to weigh it down, sat on opposite sides to balance their weight, and lay down to keep their center of balance low. They held on(131).” He was determined to live he made it so far and was determined to keep on going no matter what it took. Another reason he is determined is when he started running that was his life and he was good at it and he still was improving very fast. “But Louie was improving so quickly, he’d lopped a staggering 42 seconds off his mile time in two years (23).” This just shows how hard he worked to get better and better this is how he made his way to the Olympics as the youngest american runner. The Final reason he is determined is that he never gives even under crazy circumstances. “Halfway through the race, just as Louie was about to take the lead, several runners shouldered him around, boxing him in. The man beside swerved and stomped on his foot, impaling Louie's toe with his spike.Then the man in front kicked backpack, cutting Louie's shins. A third man elbowed Louie's chest so hard he cracks Louie's rib(43).” He went on to win the race it was crazy and he still had a really good time he will stop at