Undocumented Immigration Research Paper

Words: 1892
Pages: 8

Safyia Westmorland Morgan Park High School 5/25/17 Pd:5 ''The Deportation Of Undocumented Immigrants''


Deportation occurs when the Federal Government formally removes an
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Some 393,000 people were deported in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2010, about half of whom had committed crimes, according to an Associated press analysis. The report, citing U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data, stated that 27,635 people were deported after receiving drunken driving citations, compared with 10,851 in the last full year of the Bush administration. In addition, 13,028 people were deported for less serious traffic violations, three times the 4,527 who were deported two years earlier. Mostly half of the people awaiting deportation in deportation detention facilities are being deported, because of non-criminal actions. This information proves the injustice of the immigration system. The Government is so occupied with deporting Undocumented immigrants they don't have the time to catch and deport undocumented immigrants who actually commit criminal actions and violations. In the next section I will discuss the consequences of people with registered citizenship who could be at risk if they don't renew their citizenship. I think that when an undocumented immigrant is granted legal citizenship, their citizenship should be permanent. I don't think they should have to renew it every few years and also pay the steep cost of $540. Their citizenship should be treated just like a social security card for