Outcome 1
It is important to remember that these six areas of learning do not work in isolation but are in fact interlinked. Good quality activities will cover more than one area of development. For example, allowing children to access the outdoors will not only support their physical development, but encourage their communication and exploration of their environment. Where a child experiences a delay in one area, it is likely to limit their learning and development in the other five...a child with cerebral palsy who experiences hand-eye coordination difficulties is likely to find completing a puzzle difficult therefore hindering her problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. It is therefore vital that settings recognise each child’s individual needs and plan holistically in order to help children achieve their full potential across the six areas of learning.
The EYFS was designed to ensure that all children-regardless of where they live, their family background or circumstances-would have access to a quality early years education. To be able to measure this and also to ensure that practitioners have a clear focus for their work, a series of outcomes is given for each area of learning. These are called the Early Learning Goals. This helps that each child can meet them by the end of their reception year. These goals are important as they form the building blocks for children’s later education. It is important that practitioners recognise that many of the early Learning Goals are also associated with children’s development and so while it is reasonable to expect children to meet them at the end of the reception year, they are not meant to be used as outcomes in nurseries or pre-schools. It is also worth noting that some children will for a variety of reasons not meet all the early Goals as they may have specific health or learning difficulties or because they are simply younger than their peers
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Outcome 3
The E.Y. F emphasises a personal & individual approach to learning, this is because all children develop at their own rate and learn in different ways, come from different backgrounds whether social or religious & therefore have different needs and interests. Emotionally children come in different packages, some children may seem independent and confident and you may be misled into thinking that they don’t need as much attention as the children who express their emotions regularly and via for your attention on a regular