Unit 4 Assignment Essay

Submitted By harryg96
Words: 1584
Pages: 7

BTEC Health & Social Care Level 3.
Unit 4: Development through the life stages.
Start Date: Name:

Deadline Date:
Assessment feedback will be provided by: Ms Frost / Ms Wilkins
Assessor: Ms Frost / Ms Wilkins er Purpose
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a framework within which the learner can:
Know the stages of growth and development throughout the human lifespan.
Understand the potential effects of life factors and events on the development of the individual.
Understand the physical and psychological changes of ageing.
This unit aims to enable learners to gain knowledge and understanding of the different stages throughout the human lifespan. Learners will be able to develop an understanding of both the physical and psychological changes of ageing and be able to apply theories of ageing to health and social care provision. is able to:
P1 describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the life stages of an individual

M1 discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual
D1 evaluate how nature and nurture may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two stages of the development of an individual

P2 explain the potential effects of five different life factors on the development of an individual P3 explain the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual

P4 explain two theories of ageing
M2 discuss two major theories of ageing in relation to the development of the individual
D2 evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provision. P5 explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing. M3 discuss the effects on self esteem and self- confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing.

Assignment 1 The Human Lifespan
Criteria to be covered; - P1, M1, D1

You are investigating your family background and are focusing on a middle to old age person in your family. Using primary and secondary research you will discover all that you can about the development of a famous person in order to describe the stages of their life so far and what might happen in their future.
You are an investigative reporter for a magazine. You have been asked to choose and discover all that you can about the development of a famous person in order to describe the stages of their life so far and what might happen in their future.
Assignment guidelines.
Choose a celebrity who has outlined details of their past life in detail through a biography book, interviews, internet ‘blog’ and magazine reviews.
Complete a web search to research information about several celebrities before making your final selection. It is important that you have real information when you come to interpreting their life stages.

P1 To achieve a pass you must research and develop a detailed fact file about the celebrity, which includes information about each of their various life stages. Include relevant pictures, charts, diagrams and graphs to help you interpret the information you have collected and write it up as a report. You may also produce a ‘Life Map’ showing the different life stages for this person. Detail is important along with good referencing.

Deadline date____________________

M1 To achieve this criterion successfully you must research a range of arguments from both sides of the nature-nurture debate, develop into an essay compare and contrasting the different viewpoints of the debate.You should consider the various arguments in some detail (possibly using examples and details from your information on the celebrity as selected for P1) illustrating arguments for and against each side of the debate. Acknowledge any specific resources you may use, quotes and work backed with references are important at level 3.

Deadline date____________________

D1 For this