1. Describe the essential aspects of a self-directed, intrinsically motivated active learner.
An intrinsically motivated active learner is that student that, " takes initiative for what he/she does, not wait to be told to go and read or do his/her assignment,"(Cobb, 2011, p 13).
He/she is capable of self- discipline, even when enjoying learning the active self- directed intrinsically motivated active learner does not just learn but is capable of self-discipline. Discipline self to stay focus.
The person also have a strong desire to learn, the self-directed active learner has a strong desire to learn. He/she is not ready to stop learning. The self-directed active learner, "learn from past mistakes and is ready to …show more content…
I will put more energy so as to achieve what I set my mind to do, so no laziness on my part.
e. I will be very specific and very practical in all my action, I will not go anywhere, or do anything without first analyzing the result that I will get, whether is profitable or not.
3b. All these plans will be implemented by writing them down, and placing them on notice board in my house, where my eyes will see them each morning. I will also carefully follow my plans, I will not be an impulse. Also I will not procrastinate, and will effectively management of my time. I will engage also in peer collaboration as well as self-discipline in monitoring myself to see that written goals and objective are implemented.
4. Evaluation: Evaluation is very important to me, I am going to write down the sets of thing I hope to achieve, and give them to my son to always mark my performance on monthly bases, and he should let me know those this I said I will do, but did not do them. This will help me adjust quickly to my goals and objectives.
Downing. S (n.d). Choices of successful students. College of Sanmateo. Retrieve from