In today’s society, there is much that can be found to complain about; the issues of today are minor compared to our past. One may hear of intolerance in America, whether it be for a religion or certain lifestyle, but what of the blood of the masses shed during the founding of America? A large portion of what makes this nation what it is today is the religious freedom that is available here. The citizens also do not have to worry about dictators or oppressive rulers because of the democratic system in place. America is a melting pot of culture and lifestyle, and being part of this nation means adapting.
The main reason for the creation of the United States started way back in England. The citizens wanted to worship freely, and the ruler at the time was not happy with this. The colonists came to America with the hope of making a free nation. “America has historically been a place of religious tolerance. It was a sentiment George Washington voiced shortly after taking the oath of …show more content…
Although tolerance was the founding purpose, and is still fought for, religion seems to seep through the cracks, and “has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress, and even kill the foreign.”(Davis 473) Islamic peoples, those who follow the Muslim way of life, and Satanists typically receive this “cudgel” of discrimination because of things that others have done in the name of that religion. This brands the entire following as something that is bad or unsafe because society refuses to be open minded towards the individual, finding it easier to group everyone into the same basket. The attacks on the World Trade Center have made a large portion of U.S. citizens fear muslims, wrongfully so. As wrong as it is, however, part of being an American is usually having a very strong opinion about religion, Christianity or