Today women are still consider weaker than their male counterparts. And are usually view as a sex symbol and appreciated only for their beauty, the sexy clothes they wear and the girly way they wear their hair. Women today are usually not value for their cognitive power. In today’s society women are told in subtle ways that they do have power but that power is in their ability to achieved what they want with sex. This was the case of Evey who was portray as a woman in the sense that men think it should be. She was weak, sexy and beautiful. Evey relationship with the men in her life (Gordon and V) is what is true of most women today. Most women look to men to solve their problems, and are always running back to them even when the men are the source of the problems. In V for Vendetta, the people were oppressed by a totalitarian government, and this is true of people in some parts of the world that are still under military and intolerance and hypocritical religious rule. Government secrets and cover-up (deleting, omitting or missing documents) is also true for today’s government as it was in the