Theriogenology veterinarian focuses on reproduction, including the physiology and pathology of male and female reproductive systems in animals. They have to perform breeding qualification examination diagnostic testing, completing pregnancy checks, and perform pre-surgery examination. …show more content…
The educational path typically begins by obtaining a bachelor degree in applied sciences. After being accepted to a veterinary medical school, the candidate must complete four years of additional education and pass examinations in order to be classified as a doctor of veterinary medical. But the path to becoming a theriogenologist is not finished after graduating from veterinary college, a candidate must enroll in a residency program that leads to receiving board certification in the veterinary specialty of theriogenology. This residency program consists of two years of in the field training and an additional year of clinical studies. Toxicologist studies both naturally produced toxins that come from plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and phytoplankton, and toxin. Toxicologist studies both naturally produced toxins that come from plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and phytoplankton, and toxins that are a result of pharmaceuticals, feed additives, radiation and environmental agents, with new technology and information developing around both human and animal health, the field of toxicology is on the frontline of observation and research the following studies, stem cells for assessment of small molecule