Violence In Prisons

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Pages: 3

all times. I have witnessed and even heard how inmate that were in solitary confinement due to assault on a officer be torture, their food be thrown at them, they have been denied to shower which can cause them to smell. At that point they can feel humiliated and degrading.
Inmate rights are so important to have and know. By addressing some of these factors and issues that contribute to violence in prisons it can prevent many incidents of violence and suicides. For example, inadequate supervision, architectural design, availability of weapons, the availability of resources is everything that we can begin to look at to correct and prevent chaos and confusion occurring. Prolonged supervision as such will as with all routine domesticate the inmate. Attacking the architectural design of the prison can prevent
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Confinement is the life of a wild dog waiting in his cage until he finally snaps from being in the pound with no one to talk to but the walls. Labeling theory states that someone being labeled or treated a certain way will eventually turn them into that. Inmates are already hostile because of the prison atmosphere they are surely scared everyone that’s not a friend is after them, the last thing they want is anyone close. It’s hard when its overcrowded of course but even more so when it’s overcrowded and tight. The average county jail in pa house on a average day 3 inmates and for a pa prison it houses 2 inmates. Giving inmates a little more space can help to resolve a lot of anxiety, which is probably one of the main causes of inmate hostility in prison. And this is where I believe by addressing one problem it will work out the other, by tackling the closed quarters space inmates will be less hostile be able to feel a little more comfortable in their space and less hostile. When you really address these what we may look as minor issues within the prison system we can reduce the incidents on inmate to inmate and inmate to prison staff