Curriculum Orientation
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Pangloss. What Candide wore was painted with flames reversed and with devils that had neither tails nor claws. But Pangloss had both tails and claws with the flames being upright. When the two men and Biscayan were burnt for not eating the bacon why Dr. Pangloss was not burnt but was hung? Pangloss garment he wore made me believe that he was portrayed as the devil whom did not believe in the bible; he believed in the book of nature. Dr. Pangloss appeared to have nine lives no matter what was done to him he did not die. Was this because he believed that every person in life makes up their own destiny. Candide was trying to figure out why Pangloss did not die was it because he still believed after everything that he had been through; that things in this world still happen for the best. Candide was not portrayed as a naïve youth but not as being evil. I expected at ending that Candide and Pangloss would be put to death, but this did not happen. And after Candide went through his journey he now understood that he was not given the proper advice because he seen all of the world’s darker