Warnings In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Words: 365
Pages: 2

Romeo and Juliet are rushing into marriage to fast. Not only were their many warnings, but many of the characters had realized that Romeo and Juliet were moving too fast by being blinded by love and short sighted.

When Romeo was talking to Friar Lawrence about how he forgot about his old Rosaline, Romeo wanted to marry Juliet right away. Friar Lawrence had replied saying “your men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes” (2.3.71-72). When Romeo had went through everything with Rosaline, he had gotten over her, moving onto Juliet. But as more prettier girls come along, Friar thinks that Romeo would move onto another girl, leaving Juliet. Friar is concerned that Romeo would keep moving on to the prettiest girls and that