Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, or OTEC, works best when the temperature distance between the surface layer and the deep ocean water is around 20 degrees Celsius (36 degrees Fahrenheit). (www.eere.energy.gov) OTEC was proposed by the French engineer Jacques- Arsene D’ Arsonval in the early 1880’s, he had no idea how much of an impact his idea could make on the economy and the environment. (www.britannica.com) Since the temperature is quite specific the areas where OTEC will do it’s best work is also specific: Just between the tropic of Capricorn and the tropic of Cancer. (www.livescience.com) Careful site selection is the most important thing to keep in mind in order to keep environmental effect to a minimum though placing plants throughout tropical oceans can eliminate almost all negative effects. To bring cold water to the surface, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plants purchase an expensive, large diameter intake pipe that is submerged a mile or more in the ocean. (www.livescience.com) This reliable energy source is very useful and proof that there are other energy resources. This one may be the most convenient, considering that just a small portion of heat in the ocean can power the entire world. If we keep going on this way who knows what will happen. If we switch to this method we don’t have to be making large, expensive, windmills that wind energy requires. We also don’t need to worry about placing even more costly water wheels and dams in the proper places to get energy which hydroelectricity requires. The effects are our environment is near to none, the expensive are relatively low, there is almost no man labor necessary (since you have machines working for you), and you do not have to worry about moving the location constantly because the ocean is so vast that you can never run out of water to use! While we are busy polluting our planet and the air that we breath there