It is increasingly argued that quality in education cannot simply be determined by local factors in schools but depends on social, political and economic factors that often go beyond the local context.
In the light of above it become more complex to define the contextual meaning of “Well educated”
The product coming out from our schools, colleges and universities are placed correctly under the category of “well informed” rather than “well …show more content…
The one who can apply his learning to improve his existing state has got the right to be called well educated.
Education is what which is left when everything has been forgotten.
Our system welcomes the paper qualification which is pressurizing parents to get it for their children at any cost this thinking has generated mushroom growth of universities who are distributing degrees to those who can afford monitorily very less space to accommodate those who are well deserved to be well educated but are far away to fetch a platform to exhibit their strengths.
They strive throughout their lives to find the real meaning of well educated because No one is there to medal them.
Kohn writes:
“ The best sort of schooling is organized around problems, projects and questions-rather than around lists of facts skills and separate discipline.”
Now a days we observe that classroom management and discipline focused more on eliciting compliance than on helping students become caring responsible problem solvers’ we have test driven “accountability” in which the more children fill in worksheets on command making efforts to raise their test scores and further they fall behind affluent kids who are more likely to get lessons that help them understand ideas, students should have an active voice in the classroom with the ability