Children are glued now days to electronics. Some of these games are developed to have a child read a passage or do a mathematical equation to get past a level to move forward in the game. There is now proof that shows adverse effects of a lot of play on the computer or a lot of television time. Parents these days tend to use television as a “babysitter”. This causes children to lose time interacting with other people. (pg. 169)
When children play with others it gives them a “unique opportunities to learn, practice, and develop their communicative, interactive, and social skills” (influence of a playful 159). When children interact with each other it allows them to solve problems together. Cooperative problem solving is when “two children work together to solve and external goal. (Influence of playful) It has been shown that this kind of play can also “increase school-age children’s understanding within the problem domain and thereby contribute to their learning and cognitive development”. (influence of a playful) So through playing with others it