What Is Low Pay Inequality

Words: 2763
Pages: 12

1)Often times in the American Workforce women are discriminated with their pay. Men have always gotten paid more even if it is for the same job that a woman is doing. For the past few decades the senate has been diligently working on what is known as the Paycheck Fairness Act. This act is extended from the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Women feel discriminated and feel that they should see the same paycheck for the same work regardless of the gender.
(Senate Holds Hearing on Gender Pay Inequality) 2)In the average persons work life it is common that men will receive more money than a women will for their work. In the United States there are few areas in which the pay gap is lesser a gap than normal. One exception to this is Washington D.C. The pay gap has not gone anywhere in the past ten years. Racial inequality has been an uprising issue for year as well. if you put a african american females pay into perspective its even less than the average female and its very unfair. It isn't just a few jobs that this exists in almost all occupations have this issue.
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There are a few of improvements being made but not enough. The year of 2095 is the year predicted that inequality will be equal for women and men. Today it's not a big enough issue for the women and they still feel very discriminated. Pay equality is a definite issue but its not the first thing on most people lists of concern. Some people even feel that the issue is a myth or not a real big deal.