When School Dress Codes

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Pages: 3

Jaida Conway Mrs. Coleman 7th hour 25 April 2024 Dress Codes Some dress codes can get very strict when it comes to allowing different types of clothing. Dress codes can discriminate against races, gender, and religions. This discrimination doesn’t sit well with very many people. Dress codes can be problematic in many ways, like not allowing different religions to wear headwear or other pieces of clothing in their culture. Even though dress codes can set boundaries in school, they discriminate against children. For starters, dress codes reinforce racist standards of beauty and dress. Sometimes different races feel pressured into looking like other races. For example, black girls might want hair like white girls, etc. The article states, “Black girls face unique dress and hair code burdens. For example, some schools ban styles associated …show more content…
The dress codes can stop girls from being different and they can be inclusive to all races. This is a big problem for black girls who sometimes struggle to express themselves on their own. In addition, mandated dress codes are seldom uniformly mandated, often discriminating, against women and marginalized groups. Dress codes can discriminate between children and their gender. This is shown in the text “When School Dress Codes Discriminate.” The text states, “A boy's education can be compromised by your gender. Please do what you can to neutralize it” (“When School Dress Codes Discriminate”). This text proves that what girls wear shouldn’t change the boys’ education. Boys should be punished for not doing their work or using their time wisely. Rather than girls getting punished for what they wear. I know some will argue that dress codes enforce decorum and a serious, professional atmosphere conducive to success. Nevertheless, dress codes bolster religious and cultural intolerance. Dress codes can go against multiple religions in multiple