White King Rubber Black Death

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Pages: 2

King Leopold II of Belgium established control over the Congo Free State (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) through diplomatic maneuvering, exploitation of the local population, and brutal force. He gained control at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, convincing major European powers that he was establishing a free trade zone in Central Africa for humanitarian and civilizing purposes. Leopold implemented a system of forced labor to extract resources, particularly rubber, from the region, subjecting the local population to harsh quotas and severe punishments. His private army, the Force Publique, was used to enforce his policies. Leopold claimed his intention was to civilize the local population and end the Arab slave trade, but his contemporaries were divided. The documentary "White King, Red Rubber, Black Death" highlights the brutal exploitation and violence that characterized his reign, questioning the validity of his stated intentions. …show more content…
He discovered that ships carrying military equipment and firearms returned with vast amounts of rubber and ivory, but no commercial goods, suggesting forced labor was used to extract these resources. Morel launched a campaign to expose the atrocities, writing numerous articles and books, and founding the Congo Reform Association (CRA) in 1904. The CRA, supported by Sir Roger Casement and Mark Twain, formed the first humanitarian movement of the 20th century. The CRA's efforts led to international pressure on Belgium, forcing King Leopold II to relinquish his control over the Congo in 1908. The territory became the Belgian Congo, a colony of