Who Is Beowulf A Hero

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Pages: 2

Beowulf has fought many battles and has helped many people during his lifetime. In times of distress Beowulf has always put the well-being of others before himself. After all of the good that he has accomplished he is considered a hero and his stories are going to be told to generations from now till the end of time. Beowulf was one of Higlac’s followers and “the strongest of Geats-greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world.” (line 110-111) At one point in Hrothgar there was a monster known as Grendel wrecking havoc all through out. A whole army of men at Hrothgar couldn’t stop the beast. As soon as Beowulf caught word of the trouble he took action. “Beowulf quickly commanded that a boat be sent out.” (line 113) The hero Beowulf was also favored by the Geats. …show more content…
When Grendel went up to Hrothgar hoping to kill the men inside something that he’d never expect happened. When Grendel grabbed Beowulf as he was “asleep” Beowulf with his incredible strength “bent back Grendel’s claws as he leaned up on one arm.” Beowulf is truly incredible in is heroic actions. Not only did he slay Grendel, Beowulf was able to go and slay Grendel’s mother. “lifted the sword high over his head and struck with all his strength he had left. Caught her in the neck and cut it through. Broke bones and all. Her body fell to the floor, lifeless.” (lines 37-41) That is pretty incredible. In Beowulf’s final battle he had to defeat a dragon. By the time a dragon cam a long Beowulf was pretty old. Even though the battle with the dragon was heroic it would be Beowulf’s last and final battle for which the wounds he had inflicted while battling the dragon cost him his