Why Do Athletes Use Steroid?

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Pages: 3

Athletes using drugs to help them improve performance in that sport. Some people think that it doesn't make a difference if they use them or not, and some people think they should not use them at all. By saying drugs we are talking about the drugs like, Steroids. Those drugs have a lot of good to do with them and bad. A lot of drugs do bad to the human body, but Drugs like steroids help your body go above and beyond.

Drugs make the sport more exciting, for example Alex Rodriguez is a great baseball player and did amazing things for the sport. But was banned from the sport for nine months because he was caught taking steroids and was stripped of all his awards. His nickname A-Rod wa no longer used on ESPN or any other sporting channels because of the drug. Drugs are bad for you many agree, but many will also agree that it didn’t make that much of a
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No matter how much creatine or steroids help your body, they are still drugs, and can harm you. Drugs such as steroid make your body change a lot, but is that change good for your body ? ”There's a potentially dangerous drug out there of which you should be made aware. It can cause damage to the gastrointestinal system and lead to ulcers even when used at very low dosages”. This drug was implicated in death by medical examiners 101 times in 1998 and led to 12,815 hospital visits in that same year. In short, this stuff could kill you… and you probably have some in your medicine cabinet right now! They could harm people, or make people get bigger and have no effect on your health it all depends on the user .

Does it help athletes too much ? How much does it help athletes ? Is the boost too much or does it even make a huge difference ? Steroids only confer a 10-20% advantage, not a huge advantage but certainly an advantage over an opponent. The nonuser could still beat a person that take the drug but it would take a lot more hard work than a non using